Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Charm's first road trip

Charm went on her first road trip a few weeks ago to Austin for the IABCA dog show. I have decided that Austin is the COOLEST place to own a dog! A few pics of our adventures.

A progession

Here is a progression of Charm's life so far. Pictures belong to Lilli Anglin of Dayspring Shiloh Shepherds. Ages in pictures (bottom to top) are 6.5 weeks, 7.5 weeks, 10 weeks, 15 weeks, 17.5 weeks. WHAT a CUTIE PIE! :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Introducing Charm

January 1, 2009 my mother and I drove to Maryville, TN with a mission: bring home a Shiloh! We met Charm on January 2, and it was love at first sight for my Mom.

That night we made it home and she was introduced to the pack: Sasha, her half-sister, Abby, Mocha, and Ichigo, chihuahuas, and Zen, a Japanese Chin.

We have had Charm for about 1 month now. She is the sweetest dog I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.